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A New Beginning Is In Sight

UPDATES This past week, my Area Director reached out to see if we could do a zoom call. I was nervous because I didn’t know what this meeting entail. Would I be berated for not getting fully funded in a year (in November I had to add a six month extension)? Did my mentor missionary die and now I need to go somewhere else? I was trying to think through worst case scenarios as you can tell. We hopped on a zoom call later that week. It turns out he wanted to review my finances to see how close I was to getting clearance. We determined I only have $728 in monthly commitments (or $16,000) left to raise in order to get clearance to get to the field. I could potentially be on the field as early as May 1st. I left feeling so encouraged. Even going back through my journal/emails/blogs, it’s been so encouraging to see the percentage rising and getting closer to 100%. This season of life has been hard, lonely, tiring, with some sweet moments mixed in. I’m ready for a change. I’m ready to learn German and the frustrations that come with it. I’m ready to start the work that Lord has prepared for me and partner with the believers already there. Since I’m getting close to leaving, I’m trying to find the right time to let my supervisor at my full-time job know. In the US, it’s standard to give a two week notice, but in Europe the trend is the give a three month notice. Since I have not had a concrete date, I’ve been hesitant to say anything. Sometimes when people know you are leaving, they treat you differently. As a result, here are some prayer requests I would ask you partner with me in presenting before the Lord: PRAYER REQUESTS

  • Pray that I would tell my supervisor at the right time and it would be received well.

  • This season of itineration and working full-time has been exhausting. Pray that I would get fully funded and finish this season well.

  • I bought my first motorcycle. Even though I went through a safety course, I’m still nervous about riding on the road. Prayer that the Lord would be my shield as I gain experience and that the weather would warm up so that it’s possible.

HOW YOU CAN HELP If fourteen people committed to give $50 a month for 24 months, it would be enough to get me to the field. If you feel lead to give any amount, here is the link where you can give a tax-deductible offering. Account # 298383


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